Consolation Tournament Brackets
When you find the bracket you are looking for you will have two options: The first is to "print", which will load and print the bracket as you see it with the standard title. You can see this in the image below(left side). The second option is to "Customize this Bracket", which allows you to quickly edit the title of the bracket before printing. You can see this in the other image below.
Consolation Tournaments |
What is a Consolation Tournament? The brackets you see listed above allow teams to "Playback" to 3rd place after losing. As mentioned above the losers of the first round will go to the consolation bracket and the winner's will remain in the winner's bracket. The difference here is once a person or team loses in the winners bracket they will drop down to the consolation bracket where they will battle it out for 3rd place. The championship of the winners bracket will decide the 1st and 2nd place finishers(the loser of the winner's bracket final does not go to the consolation bracket, they are automatically awarded 2nd place. The Consolation Bracket Advantages of a Consolation Tournament A consolation tournament has a couple advantages over some of the other formats. One being that you are guaranteeing the teams to play at least two games, as opposed to running a single elimination tournament. Another advantage is the consolation games that will determine the exact finishing places of the teams in the tournament. Disadvantages of a Consolation Tournament One disadvantage to running a Consolation Tournament is that if you were to lose the first game you have no chance of winning the tournament. If this were double elimination, you would have a chance to fight your way through the loser's bracket for a shot at playing in the championship. |