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10 Line UFC Squares

Check Out Our New 10 Line UFC Scratch Off Cards!
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If you're looking to add a bit more excitement to your next UFC party, try this 10 Line UFC Office Pool. The print-out below allows you to run 3 different 10 Line Pools on the same sheet, it's also available as one game per sheet. Simply have the participants of the pool write their name on the line or lines of their choice. Once the 10 lines are full, randomly draw the numbers 0-9 and place them in the boxes beside each line.

To determine a winning square you will add together the total minutes of the fight(rounded up to next minute) and the round in which the fight ends. The minutes total count starts with 1 from the first 0-60 seconds, then 2 for 1:00 to 2:00 minutes and so on. If the total number is double digits, you will use the last digit.

Example of a Winning Square: The fight is stopped at 1 Minute and 27 seconds in the 3rd round.

Total minutes = 10(first 2 Full Rounds) + 2(third round) = 12
Round = 3

The person with their name beside the number 5(last digit of 12+3) would be the winner.

Printable 10 Line UFC Square Pool